Is the MacIntel box exposing Apple to a restraint of trade lawsuit?
Published January 20th, 2006
InfoWorld TechWatch | InfoWorld | Is the MacIntel box exposing Apple to a restraint of trade lawsuit? | January 17, 2006 01:41 PM | By E. Schwartz
This has got to be the stupidest proposition I have heard in some time. Where is it written that a company has to share its intellectual property with another one? The only case where this is relevant is where a company has a monopoly on the market, which of course Apple doesn't. Saying Apple may be considered a monopoly because it controls 100% of Apple's business is like saying Ford has a monopoly on Ford autos, or Palm has a monopoly on the sale of Palm devices. This is just lazy intellectual mind-wandering, and only someone coming from a Windows mindset would even think of it.
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