TheStreet.com Praise Apple’s Video Moves, But Stick With Microsoft
Published January 20th, 2006
Downloads Will Intensify Shine on Apple
I find it incredibly ironic that I came to thestreet.com following this upbeat article about Apple, especially in the area of video, only to find that thestreet.com doesn't support Macintosh-based video on their website! Instead, they've unaccountably limited their market to users with the latest Windows Media Player software. Is this silliness... or what? If they were to publish to an open standard such as mpeg4, mpeg2, or h264, anyone could watch the videos on any platform. This is easy to do if they were using Apple's Quicktime video software, since it can read and write to all open standards. I've written a note to them pointing this out, and I hope they'll put their head back on their neck where it belongs rather than keeping it tucked up their ***!
QuickTime is clearly the superior choice for video processing for any number of reasons. Not the least of which it's compatible with iPods and iTunes.

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