Backlight: Screensaver in your Menubar
Published February 18th, 2006
Backlight: Run Screensavers from Menu Extra

Another free tool to run Screensavers on your desktop. This one is great because it provides a menu extra to let you toggle the effect on and off. Also provides a slider for setting the process's priority.
Update 3/27/06: After using this for a month or two as the need for desktop diversion struck, I can highly recommend this great freeware... another fine gift from the talented programmers at Freshly Squeezed Software. My only gripe is that it doesn't seem to be able to read all the screen saver options from the preference pane... for example, I can't select all my Quartz Composer animations.
This article was posted 19 years ago
on Saturday, February 18th, 2006 at 4:18 am and is filed under
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