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Mars Report:

Adobe Engineer Explains Why Photoshop Isn’t Ready Yet

Published March 24th, 2006
Photoshop Still Relies on 68k Code and CodeWarrior, So No Universal Binary Until 1997? Adobe PhotoshopThis Adobe engineer, Scott Byer, tries to explain Adobe's slowness in getting Photoshop and other Adobe apps out the door for the Intel-based Macs. And then a thousand readers weigh in pro and con. Personally, while I'm sympathetic to how large the job must be, especially since Adobe has never tried to port Photoshop to xCode, I'm also a bit disgusted that a company as big as this can't get its act together given the amount of time they've had to prepare. I'm also turned off to learn that Adobe never bothered to fully port Photoshop from its original x86 code in all the years since Apple switched to the PowerPC platform. Good grief! No wonder they're having a hard time now.
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