CocoaSuite: Customize Your Cocoa Apps
Published March 22nd, 2006
CocoaSuite: Gestures, Menu Shortcuts, Text Snippets, Oh My!
CocoaSuite is a $30 package by the company that makes the freeware Cocoa Gestures package. Both packages extend Apple Cocoa apps to enable mouse gestures, but CocoaSuite goes much further than that. If I had the time, I'm sure I could have loads of fun with the various and sundry preferences this enables, from customizing my mouse buttons to shortcutting my menus, and enabling Applescript menus and text snippets inside my Cocoa apps. Alas, I don't think I'll have the time and will probably let my 30-day free trial run out without buying it. Still if this kind of thing appeals to you, it's definitely worth checking out and is a good demonstration of why many Mac users prefer Cocoa apps these days.

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