Windows Users Just Don’t Understand Apple’s Appeal
Published March 26th, 2006
Faithful, sometimes fanatical / Apple customers continue to push the boundaries of loyalty
I have no idea what these people are thinking about. Do they make fun of Honda owners, or Volvo groupies? How about people who will only drink Sam Adams? Or those who will find a McDonalds as their first choice in whatever city they find themselves? Brand loyalty is nothing new, nor is it at all mysterious. What they can't understand is why, when 90% of the world has "chosen" Microsoft Windows, we "fanatics" insist on touting the Macintosh. Sometimes I feel like I'm one of the folks in the Matrix who understand what's real and what's not, while everyone else is living a lie. Only thing is, waking people up to a real computer running Mac OS X doesn't mean they have to start eating gruel and sleeping on lumpy cots.

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