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Computerworld Posts Excellent Set of FAQ’s on Apple’s Boot Camp

Published April 5th, 2006
Computerworld FAQ: Macs running Windows -- what you should know PC running Mac OSX and WindowsThey really run through all of the big questions, including questions of strategy and market consequences, such as "How is this good for Apple?" and "Will this hurt Microsoft?" I love their answer to the first question (this is only part of their reasons why this is so positive for Apple):
This could be extremely beneficial to Apple's market and mind-share. Apple will see computer sales rise as people see a win-win situation and try the company's computers. In essence, they're getting two computers in one -- a Macintosh that runs Mac OS X and Windows XP. If even a quarter of new Apple customers stay on Macs, Apple's market share will boom. Developers will see this and respond accordingly.

I guess the market agreed, which is why Apple stock ended up almost $6.00 today.

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