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Mars Report:

Deep Freeze: Save & Restore Your Mac System Configurations

Published April 30th, 2006
Faronics Deep Freeze Mac with ARD integration - ABSOLUTE Macintosh Integrity Deep Freeze System Admin SoftwareThis looks like just what I need... With my incessant software installations and system configuration changes, it's easy for me to spin my system out of whack pretty easily. I've tried a number of things, including backups, but nothing works ideally. I need to be able to evaluate new software, and this often includes making new and untried configuration changes. Deep Freeze would apparently let me save a known stable configuration that could be restored with a reboot if things go wrong. I can save multiple configurations to keep up to date with software I'm actually adding to the base configuration. As a bonus, Deep Freeze offers good integration with Apple Remote Desktop. At $30, this enterprise-class software from the Windows world looks like a bargain... if it works as advertised. Think I should risk trying it out? :-)
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