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iPodDisk: Freeware Utility Makes iPod Music Accessible in Finder

Published April 27th, 2006

iPodDisk: Copying music off your iPod has never been so easy

iPod Disk SoftwareThis freeware has gotten rave reviews from all quarters, and I’m sure it’s a great product. I’m certainly gonna try it and see if it’s a keeper for my little corner of Macdom. Most of the other tools I’ve tried for this have been a bit scary, in that I don’t want to do anything to screw up my iTunes library. Still, even though there are several great freeware choices, iPodDisk has some unique features… Spotlight searching among them.

Update 7/19/06 Yep, it’s a keeper! I’d decided this some time ago but never officially moved it into my production Applications folder. So, what is iPodDisk? You know how, when you plug your iPod into your computer, you can browse the files and folders on it (assuming you’ve activated disk-use mode)? And, you know how you can’t find any of your tunes that way? This is a, you know, security feature set up to keep you from freely giving your tunes away… for personal use, of course! Well, when you launch iPodDisk–which by the way will only launch if your iPod is plugged in–you can browse your iTunes hierarchy in the Finder in the exact same way you would in iTunes: By album, artist, genre, playlist, etc. What’s not to like? Well, the only thing is you have to install iPodDisk in the Applications folder, and not in a subfolder thereof. It’s a hardship I can live with, I think.

Freedom, thy name is iPodDisk!

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