Pinki: Image thumbnail icon creator for your menubar
April 3, 2006: I’ve been looking for the easiest way to do this for years and have tried oodles of different ways. With Quicksilver, I thought I had found the best I was going to (more on that in a tip one of these days)… but Pinki sounds like it tops that! Definitely worth a trial… especially since it’s free!
Update 4/22/06: Yup! It’s da bomb, all right! Pinki’s got a pretti silli icon, but if you have some graphics you’d like to make thumbnail icons for, there’s nothing easier than selecting the graphic, hitting a keyboard shortcut (I’m using Cmd-Shift-T, but you can define your own), and there you are! Pinki lives in the menubar, so it’s always easy to find. (I only wish they’d let me pick some other menubar icon… the little pig tail thingy just doesn’t do it for me.) In case you’d like to see Pinki in action, here’s a little QuickTime movie for ya! (QuickTime 7 required.) Just click on the image to start the movie.