Minuteur: Highly Configurable Egg Timer and Stopwatch

There are so many great "timer" tools out there nowadays that it's impossible to pick the very best one. For awhile, mine was Minuteur, until a couple of other lovely ladies stole my heart away.

Still, the

beauty and elegance of this little timer utility makes it easy to recommend. As the developer says, it's intuitive and easy enough to use at first glance, but it also packs a lot of hidden power in its functionality and configurability. I've since migrated, first to
Tiny Alarm, which I liked because it runs in the menubar, and more recently to a Dashboard widget called "
Reminder." Reminder is cool because it ties in which iCal... totally seamlessly and silently... plus it's the easiest of all to use. All of these are great... and they're all free. And mentioning those three is just scratching the surface for this software "category."
This article was posted 18 years, 9 months ago
on Monday, May 15th, 2006 at 12:32 am and is filed under
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