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File Juicer: Extract Files Buried in Other Files

Published June 11th, 2006

File Juicer - Extract images from PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel and other Files on Mac OS X

File Juicer SoftwareI was testing the Webarchive Folderizer tonight and was trying to learn about the Windows-based MHTML web archive format. Apple’s webarchive format is apparently a Mac-only format, which only Safari understands. File Juicer, a $12 shareware, is interesting for more than just its ability to unarchive MHTML files… in fact, it’s not even included in the list of file formats File Juicer can read (except in the fine print). But it looks pretty cool for all the other formats it supports, and it comes with some Automator Actions that could really increase its utility. It has great help info… here, for example, is the company’s page describing the .MHT format and what FileJuicer can do with it. File Juicer also has a page describing its support for Safari’s .webarchive format, as well as browser cache file formats.

Update 6/27/06 OK, well it didn’t take long to realize how useful a tool like this can be! Since downloading it, I’ve run into a Windows .exe file that I wanted to peek into, a .zip file that refused to unzip, and a .pkg file that I needed to get a file from. And those aren’t even the main reasons I thought I’d want FileJuicer! It does its trick, and it does it well. For that, $12 isn’t too high a price to pay.

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