Tagging Service: HTML Shorthand for Mac Users
Published June 18th, 2006
Tagging Service is designed to save time when coding HTML
Hmmm... I've often wished I had something like this. I tend to code by hand most often nowadays, and those pesky HTML codes--while easy to remember and type--are a lot of keystrokes when you're racing to write down your thoughts. I use Ecto for blogging, and there you can set up your own shorthand tags to access from a menu. But I still wish I had something faster. Tagging Service, from monkeyfood.com, is such a beast. With it, you simply type the HTML code--say, h1--and a colon in front of the text you to tag, and then hit a keyboard shortcut to use a Mac OS X system service to enter the code for you. So, rather than typing "really", you just type "em:really" and hit the shortcut key! You can change the shortcut key by editing one of the service's files if you need to. Brilliant! And essential. It's free and works in any Mac OS X application where you need to code HTML.

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