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Mars Report:

Testers Report Windows Vista “Super Buggy”

Published June 17th, 2006
Investor's Business Daily: Windows Vista Buggy, Testers Say Hey, I don't write this stuff... I honestly haven't seen one totally positive (or even mostly positive) report on Vista. Classic Microsoft mistakes, it sounds like. Though this time, they've gone too far with the bad technology, and they've got some hungry competition in Apple, for a change. What gets me is the huge memory requirements (both RAM and VRAM) this needs, just to get a visual interface and eye candy that catches it up to Mac OS X. Heck, you can run Mac OS X's interface on about a quarter of the RAM Vista needs... and only 32MB of VRAM. What's up with that? I'll tell you... bloated software and a hungry Wintel marketplace, that's what.
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