AppButton: A Powerful Launcher in Widget Form
Published July 29th, 2006
AppButton: Completely customizable application launcher
I've been trying out beta versions of AppButton for a month or so, and now version 1.0 has been released. It's even better than I had thought! Besides having the best way to find and add apps to your custom lists and categories on the widget's preference "side," the final release also has a simple app search thingy that you can pull out on the widget's face. Each app it finds can then be quickly added to existing categories. Man, what a steal at Zero Dollars! If you're not already using one of the many menubar-based launchers, or the keyboard ones (Quicksilver, etc), you could increase the utility of your system just by using this little fella. Be sure to check out my article on Widgetdom to find out the best approach for using widgets in Mac OS X.

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