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CenterStage: Everyone Wants To Be Your Mac Media Center!

Published July 29th, 2006
CenterStage - The Mac Media Center Project CenterStage Media Center FreewareApple, of course, released Front Row last fall with the new remote-control iMac. Even before, that, CenterStage announced its open-source project with a very early product build... my first download of CenterStage is dated September 8, 2005. The last month, a new media center project called MediaCentral announced a version 2.x of their product, and Apple has continued to enhance its own FrontRow. Now, CenterStage is back with a new release and a much nicer website. What if all of these are good? The great news is that all of them are free, too! The CenterStage app is the primary one, but you also get a plugin called BackStage which handles your movie collection. CenterStage says they're currently in Alpha build mode.
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