Synk 6: New Release Boasts “Blazingly Fast” Backups and Synks
Published August 29th, 2006
Synk 6: The next generation in backup and synchronization technology
Originally downloaded 8/29/06. I had tried Synk 5 last year and wasn't impressed enough to pay for it. I ultimately did pay for SuperDuper, which I liked well enough but am still not totally satisfied with. Apple's upcoming TimeMachine notwithstanding, Mac users still need an outstanding and fast synchronization tool in cases where they maintain multiple desktops (e.g., a laptop and a desktop, or home/work). Synk 6 incorporates a new ZeroScan technology that Decimus says makes it up to 100 times faster than competing tools and earlier Synks. I plan to try out the mid-range "Standard" version of Synk 6, which as of this writing is still in a beta release.
Version as tested: 6.0 beta 4