BitRocket: Mac OS X BitTorrent Client with RSS Support
Published September 16th, 2006
BitRocket: Fat, Efficient, Stylish...
Originally downloaded 9/16/06. I'm already very fond of Bits on Wheels, mostly for its wonderful interface that has the best progress feedback I've ever seen on any application. But it's good to see the Torrent application spreading its wings and taking on new responsibilities. BitRocket has not only a great icon, but some great features, too. Since it's as free as the rest (Transmission, BitTorrent, TomatoTorrent, etc.), it'd be silly not to try it out (even though it's only at version 0.1!)
Version as tested: 0.1
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on Saturday, September 16th, 2006 at 9:14 pm and is filed under
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