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Mars Report:

Is Apple Being Unfairly Targeted on Environmental Issues?

Published September 7th, 2006
More Secrets: The Scandal of Green Computing In another pointed commentary with a number of disturbing facts on this issue, RoughlyDrafted's Dan Eran makes the case that it is.  He specifically calls out Greenpeace and the California organization Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) for unfairly fingering Apple, when in fact the company has been doing a much better job of adhering to environmental laws than companies like Dell and HP, which Greenpeace and SVTC rate more highly.  He points out that though Apple was late to the free recycling game, that's partly because (a) the number of Apple computers being trashed was tiny compared with those of Windows PCs, and (b) that's because Apples typically last much longer and are retained and recycled by their owners rather than being trashed unceremoniously.  Further, he claims that the iPod is far more environmentally friendly than previous such products and is being unfairly picked on, partly because of Apple's refusal to "buy" support from the critical groups by making requested contributions.  All in all, an unsettling but illuminating article.
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