Sounds Like Walmart Is Pulling A Microsoft Over iTunes Videos
Published September 24th, 2006
The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW): Wal-Mart bullying Hollywood over iTS movie downloads?
This is a nice summary in TUAW about recent claims and counterclaims regarding Walmart's actions in response to Apple's launch of the iTunes video store. From everything I've read, it certainly sounds likely that Walmart is using its near-control of the retail DVD market to pressure movie studios not to do business with Apple. Isn't that illegal? Sure it is. Will our lawmakers do anything about it? Naw... they owe Walmart too much in campaign contributions. Besides, these guys seem to think that all's fair in love and commerce. (By the way, I refuse to spell Walmart the way the company wants. It's silly and gramatically indefensible.)

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