iColors - Terrific freeware web-design color meter
Originally downloaded 12/20/05. This has become my tool of choice for picking colors I want to use in web designs, in situations where the application (like Safari) doesn’t have a built-in color meter. I like the fact that you can save palettes for later use.
Update 10/1/06. I haven’t used iColors for months now, I realize, since I found something I like even better! It’s nothing more than a simple Applescript that launches the OS X color wheel whenever I need it, in any application. (Note: The ShowColors script came from AssortedGeekery.com’s archive of scripts.) Since the color wheel also has all my color pickers and swatches, this is the cat’s meow (as it were). iColors is still great, but I’m moving it out of my software library.
Version as tested: 2.0.