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Inquisitor 3 for Safari Is Now Freeware

Published October 31st, 2006

Inquisitor 3. Spotlight for the web.

InquisitorThis is great news! I’ve tried Inquisitor a few times and never found it to be superior in functionality to AcidSearch, which is free. Inquisitor is definitely sexier in appearance, but I couldn’t justify paying for that. Besides, it wasn’t nearly as flexible as AcidSearch. The latest version of Inquisitor, though, is not only free, but it’s also much improved. It now sports a full preference pane inside Safari’s preferences window, which adds a number of useful new customizations. The results list is also much better. Perhaps some of these tools were always there, but only if you paid for the software. In any case, I may be making Inquisitor a permanent addition to my list of Safari add-ons here soon… I’ll try it out for awhile first. Oh, and Inquisitor’s interface is sexier than ever, too. :-)

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