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nView: View, Search, Sort Tab-Separated Data

Published October 9th, 2006

nView: Freeware for working with tab-separated ASCII files

nView SoftwareOriginally downloaded 4/16/06. This looks like an excellent little utility for making changes to ASCII data files outside of a spreadsheet application. Just export to tab-delimited, and you can open them in nView! Here, you can sort and search them… and from the screenshot at the author’s site, it appears you can edit the data as well. How I love good freeware for the Mac!

Update 10/9/06. Apparently I got a little carried away when I first read about nView on the developer’s website… It has one teensy weensy flaw that really makes it useless for me. Namely, every row of the data set has to have exactly one line each. Anything with more than one row will either be rejected or truncated down to one line. Since what I had in mind was textual data sets rather than numerical ones, this kind of rules nView out for me. Plus, I didn’t see that the application has any options to save the file any format other than tab-delimited text. I’m sure nView will find a good home on someone else’s app shelf, but it wouldn’t be happy here with me. :-)

Version as tested: 1.0.3.

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