Overflow: Put Your Dock On A Diet
Originally downloaded 10/14/06. Overflow is a beautiful bezel-style application launcher that's intended as an extension or replacement for the dock. It has all the usual launcher functionalities covered---drag/drop into categories, keyboard support, file launch support, support for folders---but in an interface that's a bit different from the rest. This is a visual-oriented launcher, more like DragThing than Launchbar or Butler. In fact, its organization, drag/drop, and visual customization options remind me remarkably of DragThing. As a satisfied Quicksilver user who has the beautiful ClawMenu at my side as well, Overflow is definitely not something I need... especially for $15. But I'd still like to try it out. The website has a nice screencast intro you should check out if this sounds appealing.
Version as tested: 2.0.1.