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Mars Report:

Script Debugger: The Ultimate Applescript Developer Tool?

Published October 14th, 2006
Script Debugger 4.0 provides everything you need to quickly and easily author AppleScripts that work Script Debugger Applescript SoftwareOriginally downloaded 10/14/06. MacWorld just published a positive review of Script Debugger 4.0, which I'd also seen recently on the Late Night Software website and been tempted by. However, at $199 for a license, it requires a hefty investment unless you're already a professional AppleScript developer (which I'm not). But I'd like to try it out anyway, and one of these days I'll hopefully find the time to do so. Version 4 appears to also have extensions for JavaScript debugging, which makes it even more intriguing than the last version (which I had also downloaded but never tried).

Version as tested: 4.0.4.

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