One More Reason Why Discerning Mac Users Choose Safari Over Firefox
Published November 28th, 2006
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : Safari better than Firefox?
You may not even have noticed the type rendering glitches that afflict Firefox, but clearly they were contributing to your subliminal opinion that Safari simply looks better than Firefox. This guy's blog post does a great job of pointing the glitches out and attempts to explain the underlying problems in Firefox. In some ways, this is no surprise. The Mac has always emphasized excellent typography, which is one of the things that drew print designers to it in the first place. If you've never come to expect great type-handling (as Windows users haven't), you would never even notice the difference. But discerning Mac users can tell.
(I hypothesize that one of the reasons Firefox sucks at type is that it doesn't use the Cocoa frameworks... but you could test this by trying the same pages in Camino.)

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