Process: Your sublime outlining application
Originally downloaded 2/7/06. This software has been getting a lot of notice among Mac gurus, and it’ll get a run-through here at Musings soon.
Update 12/10/06. I just tried Process out (at last), and was very impressed. I’ll be adding some notes and pros/cons in a day or two.
Update 12/12/06. You can read the details on Process in my article “Getting Organized and Planning Projects: Another Rich Vein of Mac OS X Software“. A quick summary might read, “Process is an excellent start and has a lot to offer. As long as the developer continues pushing it in the same direction, I’d recommend Process without hesitation. However, in the current version, there are a few missing pieces that would keep me from using it myself.” I do plan to keep an eye on Process as new releases come out.
Version as tested: 2.0.2.