BLT for Mac OS X: A Shareware link checker
Originally downloaded 4/17/06. This software got a favorable review in MacWorld recently, so I thought I’d give it a try. If I decide to keep it, the cost is $25.
Update 1/3/07. Well, having tried this several times in the last year, I’m finally crossing it off the list. Even though the developer put out a new version again just yesterday, it’s doubtful that he/she will incorporate the one most useful missing feature: The ability to restrict the BLT spider to a certain directory tree. Since with BLT it’s either one page or all pages on the site, it’s pretty useless to anyone with more than a moderate-sized website. Heaven forbid you’re responsible for multiple websites hosted on the same domain. Oh well, what do you expect for $25? And yet, I can use any number of freeware, open source perl scripts that can do this. And I will! Either that, or use the excellent (and free) Site Orbiter. (Unfortunately, Site Orbiter can’t seem to handle certain URL types… for example, Cold Fusion (.cfm) pages.)
Version as tested: 1.0.3.