PagePacker Makes Pocket-Sized Books (With Teeny Print)
Published January 8th, 2007
Big Nerd Ranch Weblog » PagePacker makes pocket-sized books
This looks like an extension of the process I've been following for awhile now, though it wouldn't be practical for my ancient eyes. I've been using my duplex printer and printing 4 normal size pages onto one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet, but I usually have to increase the font size of whatever I'm printing in order to do this. My need has nothing to do with "Getting Things Done", but rather is just a way to save paper.
But this PagePacker is very cool... just drop a PDF on its window, and it'll layout a multi-page PDF in its 8-page grid, which you can then print out on one side of a piece of paper, fold, cut, and carry away a tiny book. If it could be modified to handle 2 pages per sheet and then print it duplex, I'd definitely make a habit of using it! The author has a whole slew of enhancement requests already as a result of somebody Digging this today, but I'll watch the site to see if PagePacker evolves into something more practical.

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