What could be more logical–or more beautiful–than crystal clear windows on your Mac? Were grey metal windows something we yearned for? Of course not! Windows were made to see through.
Coming soon to a Mac near you… Crystal Clear, a new experiment in alpha transparency for Mac OS X.
Here are some preview shots of a few of my favorites. Click on the small image to see a larger one.
Crystal Clear will require Unsanity’s ShapeShifter. It will include some skin elements for the following applications:
- Address Book
- Automator
- DevonThink Pro
- iCal
- iTunes
- Preview
- Safari/WebKit
- System Preferences
- ThemePark
- Yummy FTP
Plus a theme for Growl , some gorgeous desktop pictures from Xanthic, and maybe one or two other goodies. I’m working on an article that’ll explain how it works… what it does and doesn’t do… and a few tips on how to live in a house with such clear windows.