Sticky Notes
Originally downloaded February 16, 2007. A couple of years ago, I had looked over the Mac market for sticky notes applications (Stickies replacements) and ultimately settled on Sticky Notes. Unfortunately, the developer then promptly went into hibernation and only just woke up today! I'm sure he wasn't really sleeping, but his mind sure wasn't on Sticky Notes. I assumed it was an abandoned app, and I myself abandoned using it some time last year. The problem was that Sticky Notes lacked some features I was hoping would be added and one of its killer features started failing after Tiger came along. Now Sticky Notes is back with an update and full Tiger compatibility, so I've decided to see how it fares against the likes of Edgies (which is my current default Stickies app) and QueueMemo (which makes use of that killer app I spoke of...) I think I paid $20 for Sticky Notes, but the current price is $12.95. (Yes, my license is still good, fortunately!)
Version as tested: 1.5 b2.