Version as tested: 0.3.1.
Vi Input Manager: Unix Junkies Can Now Use Vi for Text Editing in Any Cocoa App
Published February 3rd, 2007
Vi Input Manager Plugin
Originally downloaded February 3, 2007. This is the coolest thing... Development just began in September 2006, but it appears to be proceeding rapidly, and I gather the developer is getting lots of encouragement through donations and such. I never became proficient in Vi when I worked in Unix routinely... I always used the much easier (but less powerful) Pico. But apparently this developer is working on a Cocoa InputManager plugin that basically lets you edit with Vi in any text view in a Cocoa application. This means, use Vi in Smultron, or in TextEdit, or in Safari, or in Xcode, or in DevonThink... man, this might just be the incentive I need to learn Vi. The developer's page has a list of all the Vi commands currently supported, and there are tons of them!
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