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Mars Report:

AppHack: Incredibly Useful and Versatile App Developer Freeware

Published March 29th, 2007
AppHack AppHack Developer FreewareOriginally downloaded March 28, 2007. I've been using AppHack off and on for 2 years now, since its initial release in February 2005, and it's always amazed me it can do so much. Now that I'm actually starting to hack my own Mac software, I expect it'll come in even handier. The developer released an upgrade to AppHack last week, and I'm taking the opportunity to renew my acquaintance with it. AppHack Peeking Into QuickTime Player

Besides opening up applications and peeking around, AppHack can also perform some theming duties... for example, it can replace icon sets. And here's a developer who clearly doesn't mind having his own medicine eaten: AppHack is distributed not only as freeware, but as open-source freeware, so you can take a look at its code to see how it does what it does. Great stuff... highly recommended for your inner (or even outer) geek!

Version as tested: 1.1.

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