In other iTunes controller news, I’ve now evaluated CoverSutra and am pleased to recommend it as well (see information in the table below). I still haven’t revisited iTunes Volume, which gave me trouble every time I tried it earlier in the year, but I will eventually.
One question that might pop into your head when you contemplate the fact that there are at least two dozen different software applications for Mac OS X that want to be your iTunes controller is, “So, why not just use iTunes to control iTunes?” If you’ve never used iTunes before, you might also be wondering, “What’s wrong with iTunes that makes so many people avoid using it directly?”
This is indeed a curious paradox at first blush. iTunes is the world’s most popular digital music jukebox software. It has a screaming wonderful interface that just gets better with each iteration. Its innovative design practically defines “ease of use” in this category. So, why have so many developers expended so much energy and creative imagination on redefining how we interact with it?
There isn’t just one answer to that question, but here are a few possible ones:
- Mac users are too impatient to switch applications in order to change songs. They want an application that can overlay whatever they’re currently doing, providing immediate access. Call this a variation of the “Instant gratification” impulse.
- Because the iTunes API makes building external interfaces to it so easy. You often get the impression that some iTunes controllers are their developers’ first foray into xCode and/or Cocoa programming. Call this a variation of the “Because we can” impulse.
- Because a programmer had a new idea that was too cool to pass on. Either the idea was really new, or it was building on someone else’s idea. Some of the iTunes controllers are clearly attempts to improve other ones that already exist. Call this simply the “Urge to create.”
Notice that none of these possible motives is an attempt to remedy a shortcoming in iTunes, or even to add significant functionality to the application. The only thing that comes close is the addition of tools to fetch album art from the web, or to integrate with a social music networking system like Audioscrobbler. Instead, they’re simply tools that extend the iTunes interface into every aspect of a Mac user’s workflow… making it practically ubiquitous as we work.
A couple of weeks ago, I set out to survey the market to identify all of the iTunes controllers that are currently supported. (There are still old links to some phantom controllers on MacUpdate, but I won’t tell you which.) Having found 24 of them, I clearly don’t have the time to prepare a full snapshot of each as I’ve done for other software categories recently. In order to keep this workload sane for me, I have to skinny it down to the basics–my notes, a link, price info, a version number, and a recommendation.
Of the total options, 15 are freeware. This puts a pretty high standard on any app that wants you to actually pay for its services, and 9 of them attempt to go there. Two of the shareware options are choices from the “Launcher” category… these are tools that include an iTunes controller among their many other features, so they aren’t selling themselves simply on their iTunes chops. That leaves seven that do want your money, and I was curious to see how tempted they would make me.
Of the freeware options, one is iTunes itself, which provides a fully functional mini-controller that you can keep nearby at all times. The rest run the gamut from the launcher category to minimalist menubar controller, many of which are very much alike, but a few of which show incredible breadth and ingenuity.
With so many to choose from, I still had little difficulty identifying the ones I would pick for myself, and my notes on pros and cons probably explains the choices. In everyday use right now, I use a combination of an option that isn’t even on the list and Quicksilver. The missing option is simply AppleScript. You can use AppleScript scripts to do just about anything you want to in iTunes. Many moons ago, I got a set of scripts (from Apple, I think, or from Doug’s Scripts for iTunes) and assigned keyboard shortcuts to them in iKey. Now, my fingers automatically go to:
- Cmd-Ctrl-Space to Play/Pause
- Cmd-Ctrl-Right Arrow to Play Next
- Cmd-Ctrl-Left Arrow to Play Previous
- Cmd-Ctrl-5 to Rate 5 Stars (etc.)
And that pretty much sums up the extent of what I need to do with iTunes from other apps. These are great, because they don’t launch any other app, yet magically exert my will over my music. Aside from those shortcuts, I use Quicksilver to search my iTunes library. This is quick and easy, as others have documented well in the past… Here’s Blacktree’s page describing the iTunes plugin for Quicksilver.
Outside of this, I was very impressed with a few of the shareware and freeware products and am considering incorporating them into my desktop. Here’s my short list of the creme de la creme:
Menuet. (
$12.95now free) Part of the appeal here is Specere’s bundling of its splendid Art Collector app for the price of the equally delightful Menuet. It’s simply the best tool for collecting and managing your album art collection I’ve yet seen.You Control Tunes. (Free) Many people overlook this one because it seems like merely an invitation to buy the company’s other products. I’m no fan of You Control in general, but their free iTunes controller is simply the best all-around tool available, and it’s free. The only thing it lacks, in my opinion, is an API for developing your own skins, and a search function (a common deficiency in most of these tools). But it still has plenty of nice skins, if none that quite match the best of Synergy’s or Menuet’s.
ClawMenu. ($19.95) ClawMenu is a frequently overlooked star performer in the Launcher category, but its joys are many and deep. As an iTunes controller, I find ClawMenu beats most of the competition… certainly, it’s far better than the functions in the similarly priced Launchbar and the free Butler. I might not buy ClawMenu just for its iTunes abilities, but they’re definitely worth writing home about.
Quicksilver. (Free) Nuff said already. It’s free, so just get it and get to know it. You won’t be sorry.
CoverSutra. ($14.95) A beautiful, unobtrusive controller with some nice extras like Apple Remote support. It doesn’t have great iTunes integration like the others, but what really snagged me (a die-hard 45 rpm vinyl collector) was its cool Laurent Baumann-designed 45 record sleeve, an option to the default CD jewel case, for displaying song artwork.
There were two tools that I categorized as a “Maybe,” meaning I still haven’t decided whether I’d actually use them, partly because they have a fairly narrow scope in the iTunes controller world. But I think they’re both pretty cool at what they do.
Barquee. ($10) Barquee is the only menubar controller I’ve seen whose in-bar scroller is visually bearable. In fact, the more I live with Barquee, the more I like it. Plus, Barquee has a simple API for developing your own skins, which lets you incorporate them seamlessly into any Mac OS X theme you may be using. Plus it comes with a beginning inventory of some really nice ones. Still, it’s not something I really need.
Krix. (Free) Krix is less an iTunes controller than an alternative iTunes interface. Still, this open-source project is coming up with some really cool ideas, and it does one thing iTunes doesn’t: Let you browse your music files outside of the rigid structure of iTunes. Yet, it does this while still leverage meta data about the files that you’ve stored in iTunes. Pretty cool! It’s a maybe at this point, because I’ve found Krix a little too unstable for regular use.
Then, there are a couple of tools that are in development or in planning but aren’t really in a state that even lends itself to review at this point. But they’re worth keeping an eye on for the future:
- Synergy Advance. ($12.95) From the developer of the classic Synergy iTunes controller, this “next generation” Synergy still has too much “planned” functionality missing to fully evaluate it.
- Radion. (Free for now) In limbo for a long time, Radion had a lot of good ideas. The current version (1.2), if you can find it, clearly shows the lack of attention to details, but the developer recently launched a new website with a promise for a new version of Radion by the end of 2006.
Finally, it would hardly be a complete review of iTunes controllers without mentioning the many Dashboard widgets that can help you out with iTunes. There are way too many to list here—especially since I haven’t reviewed most of them lately—but my all-time favorite is Symphonic, which uses a simple search field to do more than you’d suspect. If you try Symphonic, be sure to check out the Help page, which explains all
the commands you can use to fine-tune your iTunes control. The same developer has a companion widget called Harmonic that downloads song lyrics and adds them to iTunes as you play them. If you’d like a controller that can help you find and add album art to your collection, my favorite is Album Art Widget.
It not only does album art, but includes controls for rating your tunes and for basic play/pause/previous/forward commands (even with keyboard shortcuts). But that’s just scratching the surface… Apple’s widget repository lists 118 widgets in the “Music” category, and most of those interact with iTunes in one way or another.
Now, without further ado, here’s the list:
Name | Pros | Cons |
Barquee (Version 1.2, $10) |
Butler (Version 4.1.2, Free) |
ByteController (Version 0.8.5, Free) |
![]() (Version 2.6.3, $20) |
![]() (Version 1.1.6, $15) |
GimmeSomeTune (Version 2.6, Free) |
iController (Version 0.5b, Free) |
iMote (Version 2.2.1, Free) |
iTunes Manager (Version 2, Free) |
Ivy (Illis) (Version 1.0 rc2, Free) |
Krix (Version v16, Free) |
Launchbar (Version 4.2 b1, $20) |
Maestro (Version 1.2.3, Free) |
![]() (Version 1.1 b2, |
Play MiniTunes(Version 1.2, Free) |
![]() (Version b51, Free) |
QuickTunes (Version 2, Free) |
Radion (Version 1.2, Free) |
SizzlingKeys (Version 3.0.7, $5) |
Synergy Classic (Version 3.1 b2, $7) |
Synergy/Advance (Version 0.4, $13) |
TuneHound (Version 1.1, $10) |
TuneX (Version 2.5, $12) |
![]() (Version 1.4.1, Free) |