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Mars Report:

Dress Up Your Mac’s Authentication Panel With Crystal NIBs!

Published June 9th, 2012

Crystal NIBs for SecurityAgent PreviewThis little application provides two alternative styles for the “Authenticate” panel that appears whenever you’re required to enter a password on your Mac. It works by substituting different “NIB” files — the files that define the window’s interface — for the default system versions.  (Jargon Alert: NIB stands for “NeXT InterfaceBuilder,” which was the original IB app developed on the NeXT operating system — the predecessor of Mac OS X.)

The application lets you switch among three different styles:

  • HUD (Heads-Up Display) style,
  • Metal (Textured) style, and
  • Default system style.
Using the Crystal NIBs

Choice WindowTo use, just launch and enter your password at the prompt. Afterward, a small window appears that lets you choose one of the three styles from a pull-down menu. You can cancel the action or submit the form to change the NIB style.

After you submit your choice, run the application again to verify that the choice is now active. A logout or restart is not required.

When you want to uninstall the app, just run it and select the default system style.

The application has been extensively tested and used on both Snow Leopard and Lion systems, and it contains the default system files for both, as well as the Crystal alternatives. (Note: Use of this free software affirms that MarsThemes will not be held liable for any damage to your system that may result from using this application. Further, use that does not follow the above instructions is forbidden and will not be supported.)

These styles were developed to complement the MarsThemes applications CrystalClear Interface and Crystal Black, but they are free to use whether you’re using those themes or not.



Crystal NIBs for SecurityAgent (Download file is 1.0MB)

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