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August 17th, 2012

fLOW: Create Experimental Soundscapes for Ambient Music Fans

January 22nd, 2007

OnAirRecorder: Record Audio or Video with Free Timer

October 3rd, 2005

Vinyl Record Lovers Rejoice! ClickRepair Is a Must-Have Audio Cleaner

Beatles 45 with DirtI’m diverging a bit from the usual topics to share my discovery of a small software miracle that will truly elicit “Oohs” and “Aahs!” from readers who spend time digitizing their old vinyl records. In the best shareware tradition, a mathematics professor in Australia named Brian Davies has applied his mathematical prowess and his knowledge of digital audio to produce a java application that succeeds in a spectacular way where many commercial packages have failed: With his ClickRepair application, music lovers everywhere can now clean up audio files transferred from old vinyl records without compromising the sound quality of the underlying music. And he makes this possible for an investment of only $25.

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